Tuesday, September 28, 2010

15 Things I Hate

I'm a pretty passive person actually and I don't give a rat's ass over things that barely matter but let me just clear this notion up: Just because I'm passive, doesn't mean I don't have things I hate. As the overrated saying goes, "I'm only human."

So, I made a short but vindictive list of things that do not do me justice and I figured that since most people that I'm acquainted to are very much oblivious as to how I work things out, I'd educate them with things that befuddle me as a human being. But why? I'm not being a narcissist here, alright? I just hate dealing with people that seem to have an IQ equaled to his puny shoe size. And just because I like an entry dedicated to this in my blog.

In no definite order.


1. COCKROACHES - Small disgusting, vile, ominous insects that seem to grow in number in my kitchen. When I see them crawl, I feel the dire need to burn my house.

2.  PRETTY PEOPLE WHO THINK THEY'RE ALL THAT - Just because you're beautiful doesn't mean you can treat people like they don't matter. Get over yourself, bitch. 

3. GUYS WHO THINK THEY CAN GET ANY GIRL THEY WANT - I guess in this society, being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time. Go die, somewhere.

4. MISINFORMED MEATBAGS - Those who think that they're information is Ground A and that everything they say are too credible for your own good when in fact, they don't make sense at all.

5. BACKSTABBERS - Its funny how you get to be number five only. Ah, people who live off crap from their own filthy mouths. People who are only strong when you got your back turned.

6. THE PLASTICS - Man, do I just love to actually burn you, then again, you'd pollute the air with your nasty smell. 

7. SPELLING and GRAMMAR NAZZIS - Call me a freak but I am rendered to actually hate people who are freaking stupid when it comes to their spellings and grammar. It gives me this feeling of unfathomable hate every single time I see something dumb being written.

8. SOCKS - They are designed to entrap and torture your feet.

9. IDIOT DRIVERS - Road rules are in place for a reason. They assist with saving lives. You are not above the law. Stop speeding. Stop cutting people off. Stop drink driving and grow the fuck up.

10. CROOKED PHOTOS ON THE WALL - I don't think this one needs an explanation. They must be straight. End of discussion.

11. NOT GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP - It ruins my whole day and I feel like I'm actually dying. Nothing is worthwhile anymore.

12. PEOPLE WHO GET OFFENDED BY CUSSING - Are you an adult? Do you live on Earth? Then deal with it. Those are just words, they won't bite you. 

13. FEELING PRESSURED INTO TALKING TO PEOPLE I DON'T REALLY LIKE - If I’m not particularly interested in being close friends with you, I don’t really want to pretend to like taking to you. I really just don’t care. It might mean I’m a bad person.

14. PEOPLE WHO GO ANON FOR BULLSHIT REASONS - A.K.A TROLLS. Dear lord, get some fucking life, idiots. It's actually for free.

15. WHEN MY CHOICES ARE NOT BEING RESPECTED - Let us be civilized humans. Please do not annoy me by saying my choice wasn't the best one and telling me what I could have done.

So there you have it. Top fifteen things I hate. I just realized that I hate more things and I think that making it up to fifteen gives me this heavy feeling of remorse and that I still want to add some more. Maybe later on, when I've set it all up. 


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